MTB News 2018 | |
In 2013 the HPCSA decided that all practitioners will be required to have a license to practise their professions. The primary purpose of such a decision was to ensure that all practitioners, under the jurisdiction of the HPCSA, maintain and improve their professional knowledge, skills and performance for improved patient outcomes and health systems. In keeping with the HPCSA’s mandate of protecting the public and guiding the professions, the CPD committee of the HPCSA has critically reflected on the current programme in light of research and international trends in CPD >>> read more |
MTB News 2017 | |
In the 2017/18 financial year, we operated two renewal processes – the online portal and the traditional faceto-face renewal – we intend to discontinue the face-toface model where practitioners come to our offices or we go out to specific sites for practitioners to renew or make payment. For this renewal period, practitioners could choose to have the “purple” paper practicing card or the electronic version of the card on a phone or desktop, or have both the paper and the electronic formats >>> read more |
MTB News 2016 |
The HPCSA has the power to institute disciplinary proceedings regarding any complaint, charge or allegation of unprofessional conduct - this includes allowing persons who are not registered and within scope of profession and practice to carry out professional procedures unlawfully. All individuals who practice any of the healthcare professions incorporated in the scope of the HPCSA are obliged by the Health Professions Act No 56 of 1974 to register with Council >>> read more |
MTB News 2015 |
To maintain, enhance and monitor standards of education and training, the guidelines for the evaluation of clinical facilities were revised. To build and expand capacity for the evaluation of laboratories, training sessions were co-ordinated and implemented in the diff erent regions >>> 2014/2015 |