
Core Operations

Registration with the HPCSA is a pre-requisite for professional practice and it is also a legal requirement to keep all personal details up to date at all times.


A person whose name was erased from the register has to apply to restore his/her name to the register by duly completing the Application for Restoration form, Form 18 which has to be submitted together with proof of payment of the restoration fee, which is calculated as follows:

  1. Restoration within a period of six months after the erasure date is equivalent to two (2) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding annual fee(s).
  2. Restoration after a period of more than six months since the erasure date but within a year is equivalent to four (4) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding fee(s);
  3. Restoration after a period of 12 months since the erasure date is equivalent to five (5) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding fee(s).

The following should also be submitted by a practitioner whose name has been off register for a period exceeding 2 years was practicing their profession abroad/ outside South Africa:

  1. Proof of CPD attended to during the preceding 24 months.
  2. Proof of practising your profession during the period of erasure/suspension of your name from the register.
  3. A certificate of status issued by the regulatory authority where you were practicing your profession, not older than 3 months. The certificate should be submitted by the regulatory authority to hpcsacgs@hpcsa.co.za

All of the above except certificate of status should be submitted by the applicant to HPCSA.