
Core Operations

The Health Professions Council of South Africa is a statutory body, established in terms of the Health Professions Act and is committed to protecting the public and guiding the professions.


Health professionals registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) have rights and privileges to practise health professions. Correspondingly, health practitioners have moral or ethical duties to others and to the society. These duties are generally in keeping with the principles of the South African Constitution, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996) and the obligations imposed on health practitioners by other laws.
Ethics, Human Rights and Health Law is an understanding of the bioethical principles that determine how health practitioners perform research and interact with patients/clients and society as described in Chapter 1 and 2 of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996). Health care delivery is a constantly advancing sector and with these advances, conflicts often arise within the arenas of politics, law, religion, philosophy, and economics. An understanding of bioethics helps health practitioners to recognise, admit and sometimes resolve these conflicts.
Ethical Rules of conduct:

Ethical rules of conduct for registered health practitioners

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Ethical guidelines for good practice in the health care professions:
Booklet 1: General ethical guidelines for health care professions
View document
Booklet 3: National Patients' Rights Charter
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Booklet 4: Seeking patients ‘informed consent: The ethical considerations
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Booklet 5: Confidentiality:  Protecting and providing information
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Booklet 6: Guidelines for the management of patients with HIV infections or AIDS
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Booklet 7: Guidelines withholding and withdrawing treatment
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Booklet 8: Guidelines on Reproductive Health management
info coming soon
Booklet 9: Guidelines on Patient Records
View document
Booklet 10: Guidelines for the practice of Telehealth
View document
Booklet 11: Guidelines on over servicing, perverse incentives and related matters
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Booklet 12: Guidelines for the management of health care waste
View document
Booklet 13: General ethical guidelines for health researchers
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Booklet 14: Ethical Guidelines for Biotechnology Research in South Africa
View document
Booklet 15: Research, development and the use of the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
View document
Booklet 16: Ethical Guidelines on Social Media
View document
Booklet 17: Ethical Guidelines on Palliative Care
View document
Ethical Rulings View document
The following includes unprofessional conduct against which the HPCSA may take disciplinary steps:
  • Unauthorised advertising
  • Over-servicing of patients
  • Criminal convictions
  • Improper relationships with patients
  • Improper conduct of practitioners
  • Operational procedure without the patient's permission or consent
  • Disclosure of information in regard to a patient without his / her permission
  • Incompetence in regard to treatment of patients
  • Excessive fees charged/overcharging
  • Insufficient care towards patients
  • Racial discrimination
  • Rude behaviour towards patients
  • Prescriptions to already addicted patients
  • Perverse incentives and kickbacks
The list is not exhaustive, and such a practitioner may be charged in terms of the ethical rules and the Act.
For any queries email: professionalpractice@hpcsa.co.za