

As an autonomous body the HPCSA receives no grants or subsidies from government. HPCSA is funded mainly by annual and registration fees it receives from registered practitioners representing the 12 Professional Boards under its jurisdiction

Banking Details

Please note we do not accept cash on our premises 
Branch Arcadia
Branch Code 63 2005
Account Name HPCSA
Account Type  Cheque
Account Numbers Annual Fees: 405 00 33 481

Other moneys: 061 00 00 169
Deposit References Include your HPCSA registration number as reference

New registrations use your ID or passport number as a reference 

Direct & Internet Banking
Practitioners MUST use their 7 digit registration number and correct register (eg MP1234567) as the reference Proof of payment must be:
Please note: Internet transfers take approximately three days to reflect on our statement and all direct payments from Absa branches take 24 hours.
Credit Card Authorisation  To comply with ABSA Data Security, we regret to notify you that we will no longer be able to process the Credit Card Authorization Form CCF1
Refund Appication Form     Click here 
Debit Orders  Debit orders are no longer accepted as a  form of payment
Refund Appication Form    Click here