
About Us

The Health Professions Council of South Africa is a statutory body, established in terms of the Health Professions Act and is committed to protecting the public and guiding the professions.



The HPCSA is committed to and fully endorses the principles of the Code of Corporate Governance as set out in the King IV Report on Corporate Governance.

The HPCSA welcomes King IV and will ensure that it complies with the obligations placed on the organisation in accordance with the principles set therein.  The HPCSA subscribes to a governance system where ethics and integrity set the standards for compliance, constantly reviews and adapts its structures and processes to facilitate effective leadership and sustainability.

The HPCSA recognises its responsibility to conduct its affairs with prudence, transparency, accountability, fairness and in a socially responsible manner, thereby safeguarding the interests of all its stakeholders. We believe that through our endorsement of the Code of Corporate Governance and the confidence that the public and the professions have in our system of regulation, we can continue to effectively deliver on our mandate.


The HPCSA strives to maintain its commitment to uplifting the previously disadvantaged through the implementation of the BEE policy which requires all tenders to comply with the BEE requirements, and the allocation of tenders to service providers is dependent on them being compliant to the BEE requirements.


Councillors meet quarterly and are responsible for preparing financial statements, monitoring executive management and exercising control over the organisation’s activities. The roles of the President and the Chief Executive Officer are separate in accordance with the King recommendations. The President holds a non-executive office. Council sets the overall policy for the organisation, provides input and makes decisions on matters of strategic importance. Click here to view council members.

Financial Statements

The Council is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that fairly present the financial position of the organisation and the results of its operations and cash flow information for the year then ended. The auditors, Morar Chartered Accountants Incorporated, are responsible for independently auditing and reporting on these financial statements. In preparing the financial statements, Council has disclosed appropriate and meaningful additional information to enhance the usefulness of the financial statements, and adhered to International Financial Reporting Standards.

Managing Risk

The HPCSA regards Corporate Governance and the management of risk as fundamental mechanisms to drive good organisational practice and is committed to ensuring that good governance is practiced. Our processes and practices have their origin in the principles of integrity and accountability. This is evidenced through the decision making and compliance with our legal obligations and the judicious use of our funds. 

The Council, through the Audit and Risk Management Committee acknowledges its overall accountability for ensuring effective results driven, integrated risk management process. The responsibility for management of risk resides with the line management of risk in all divisions and departments. Those accountable for management of risk also ensure that all necessary controls are in place and are effective at all times. Control effectiveness focuses on improving our ability to manage risk effectively, so that we can quickly and confidently act on opportunities to improve and achieve sustainability. 

The HPCSA has a zero tolerance policy towards fraud and other acts of dishonesty. Our commitment to combating all forms of fraud remains steadfast and to this end we remain proactive in the fight against fraud and other white collar crime. Council is committed to an exemplary standard of business ethics and transparency, and all councilors, board members and staff are bound by a code of conduct.