
Core Operations

Registration with the HPCSA is a pre-requisite for professional practice and it is also a legal requirement to keep all personal details up to date at all times.


A person whose name was erased from the register has to apply to restore his/her name to the register by duly completing the Application for Restoration form, Form 18 which has to be submitted together with proof of payment of the restoration fee, which is calculated as follows:

  1. Restoration within a period of six months after the erasure date is equivalent to two (2) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding annual fee(s).
  2. Restoration after a period of more than six months since the erasure date but within a year is equivalent to four (4) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding fee(s);
  3. Restoration after a period of 12 months since the erasure date is equivalent to five (5) times the current annual fee, plus the outstanding fee(s).

The following should also be submitted by a practitioner whose name has been off register for a period exceeding 2 years was practicing their profession abroad/ outside South Africa:

  1. Proof of CPD attended to during the preceding 24 months.
  2. Proof of practising your profession during the period of erasure/suspension of your name from the register.
  3. A certificate of status issued by the regulatory authority where you were practicing your profession, not older than 3 months. The certificate should be submitted by the regulatory authority to hpcsacgs@hpcsa.co.za

All of the above except certificate of status should be submitted by the applicant to HPCSA. 


Dental Assisting, Dental therapy & oral hygiene

A person whose name was erased from the register has to apply to restore his/her name to the register by complying with the following restoration procedures:

  • Complete application for restoration form, Form 18
  • Pay restoration fees and any other fees outstanding
  • Practitioners whose names have been off the register for more than 2 years are required to work under supervision for at least six months under a senior health professional who is registered in the same category ( a senior health professional is a health professional who has been registered with the board and practised for at least 1 years and the registration must be active)
  • A letter confirming successful completion of the supervised period of 6 months must be submitted to the Council by the supervisor
Restoration Guidelines



Dietetics and Nutrition

DT Dietitian
SDT Supplementary Dietitian
NT Nutritionist
SNT Supplementary Nutritionist
Health professionals who have been erased for more that 2 yrs up to 4 yrs may be restored under the following conditions:
  • Submission of proof of payment of the restoration fees and the duly completed application form  Form 18;
  • Health professionals have to obtain the necessary 30 CEU’s within 12 months of restoration;
  • Health professionals will then be audited after 12 months to ensure that they have accrued the 30 CEUs;
DT Dietitian
SDT Supplementary Dietitian
NT Nutritionist
SNT Supplementary Nutritionist
Health professionals who have been erased for more than 4 years may be restored after succesful passing of the Board examination. 

Please contact the Board Administration for more information and documents to be submitted:
Mrs Mamokete Mabusela                                             
Committee Co-ordinator                                             
Tel/Fax: (+27) 12 338 3992                                      
E-mail: dnbboard@hpcsa.co.za     


Emergency Care

A person whose name was erased from the register has to apply to restore his/her name to the register by complying with the following restoration procedures:   
  1. Persons whose names have been erased/suspended from the register or did not register in the relevant register for 2 years and more, but less than four years have to successfully complete a refresher course at an accredited education and training provider;
  2. Persons whose names have been erased/suspended from the register or did not register in the relevant register for 4 years and more, but less than 8 years have to successfully complete the full set of final examinations at an accredited education and training provider;
  3. Basic Ambulance Assistants, Ambulance Emergency Assistants and Paramedics (CCAs) who completed the short course training and whose names have been erased/suspended from the register or did not register in the relevant register for 8 years and longer have to redo the full course at an accredited education and training provider;
  4. Persons who obtained the National Diploma, the B Tech degree and the Bachelor degree in Emergency Medical Care and are registered as Paramedics and Emergency Care Practitioners and whose names have been erased/suspended or did not register in the relevant registers for 8 years and longer have to undergo an examination/assessment, to be determined by the Board.
NB: The Emergency Care Providers referred to in i. to iv. above will also be required to accrue the necessary Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) according to the CPD guidelines and will be included in an audit within a year of restoration. 

Emergency Care Providers who apply for the restoration of their names will also be required to duly complete the application form for restoration (Form 18) and pay the restoration fee and all relevant outstanding fees. 

Ambulance Emergency Assistant
Basic Ambulance Assistant
Emergency Care Practitioner
Emergency Care Technicians
Emergency Care Assistants
Operational Emergency Care Orderly
  • Restoration Form 18
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
  • Restoration Guidelines Form 341
  • Submit proof of successfully passing a Refresher Course before they may be restored to the register


Environmental health

A person whose name was erased from the register for 2 years or more has to apply to restore his/her name to the register by complying with the following restoration procedures:

  • All applications must be submitted to the Board Administrator
  • The applications should include the proof of payment of the restoration, exam fees and duly completed Form 18
  • Board Exam will apply before restoration can take place

Click here for standard operating procedure of restoration


Medical and Dental (and medical science)

A person whose name was erased from the register has to apply to restore his/her name to the register by complying with the following restoration procedures:

  • Complete restoration Form 18.
  • Payment of restoration fees and any other fees outstanding.
  • A health professional may be restored in the category Supervised Practice for a period of at least six months.
  • Submission of a report by the supervisor to the Chairperson of the Education Committee as to the competency of the health professional or whether a further period of supervised practice is recommended.
  • Upon submission of a successful report from the supervisor, the health professional may be restored to the Independent category where he/she was registered before.
  • Health professional has to accrue CEUs.
  • Health professional to be included in the CPD audit after a year or restoration.
  • Click here for Policy guidelines for the restoration of name
Anaesthetists’ Assistant
Biomedical Engineer
Genetic Counsellor
Health Assistant
Clinical Biochemist
Medical Practitioner
Medical Biological Scientist
Medical Physicist
Supplementary Medical Scientist
Medical Scientists
  • Restoration Form 18.
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding.
  • A health professional may be restored in the category Supervised Practice for a period of at least six months.
  • Submission of a report by the supervisor to the Chairperson of the Education Committee as to the competency of the health professional or whether a further period of supervised practice is recommended.
  • Upon submission of a successful report from the supervisor, the health professional may be restored to the Independent category where he/she was registered before.
  • Health professional has to accrue CEUs.
  • Health professional to be included in the CPD audit after a year or restoration.
  • Medical Scientists should serve a maximum period of two (2) years under supervised practice after the restoration of the names

Restoration Enquiries E-mail: Registrationgroup@hpcsa.co.za


Medical Technology

Restoration of name to the Register
Suspension based on a formal request to be suspended from the register or due to non-payment of annual fees:
  • Voluntary Erasure is in terms of Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974) Section 19 (1)(c)
  • Suspension due to non-payment of annual fee is in terms Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974 Section 19 (1)(d)
A. Restoration after Removal or Suspension of name from the register for a period of two years If a practitioner’s name was removed from the register or his or her registration suspended for a period of two years or less – irrespective of whether he or she practiced or not - the restoration application will be dealt with administratively subject to submission of the following:
  • Completion  of required restoration Form 18
  • Payment of the applicable fees and any other outstanding fees
The Board reserves the right to institute disciplinary action against practitioners who had practiced their profession in South Africa without being registered.
B. Restoration after Removal or Suspension of name from the register for a period of more than two years – (Practising) A practitioner whose name has been erased from the register and had been practising for a period of more than two years will be required to:
  • Duly completed application for restoration form (Form 18) and applicable Restoration Fees
  • Payment of the applicable fees and any other outstanding fees
  • Proof of practising their profession – CV or letter from the previous employer confirming employment with dates specified.
  • COS (Recent certificate of good status from the country where he/she has practised) not older than 3 months.
  • Proof of CPD attended to during preceding 24 months.
C. Restoration after Removal or Suspension of name from the register for a period of more than two years – (Non-practising)
A practitioner whose name has been erased from the register and had not been practising for a period of more than two years will be required to work under supervision in an HPCSA accredited laboratory for a period equivalent to six months (1000 hours) the following procedure would apply:
  • Complete Restoration Form 18.
  • Payment of restoration fees and any other fees outstanding.
  • The applicant be restored in terms of supervised practice immediately on submission of the application form (Form 18Form 18AForm 18CForm 18D) and payment of penalty fees;
  • They have to work under supervision of a registered Medical Technologist at an accredited laboratory, for a period of at least six (6) months;
  • The supervisor should on completion of the period of 6 months, submit a progress report with a recommendation as to the lifting of restrictions or a further period of supervised practice;
  • and The progress report will be considered by the Professional Board or Education Committee  
During the period of supervised practice the applicant will not be allowed to be self-employed or practising in his or her own private practice.
Upon receipt of a positive supervisory report or portfolio by the supervisor to the satisfaction of the Education Subcommittee, his or her name will be restored to the category of registration that applied prior to the erasure of his
or her name from the register.
The supervisee will be required to identify and request a suitable supervisor to oversee him or her during the period of supervised practice. For this purpose, a signed undertaking would have to be obtained from the supervisor agreeing to undertake the supervision. On completion of six months’ supervised practice, the supervisor will be required to complete and submit the Supervisor Evaluation Report. The findings presented in this report will be reviewed by the Education Committee. If the Committee is satisfied by the recommendation of the supervisor, the practitioner will be registered in the category in which the applicant was previously registered.
In cases where the Education committee remains unconvinced that the practitioner is ready for independent practice, the supervisor will be expected to extend the period for a further six months stating reasons.

Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics, Prosthetics & Arts Therapy

Restoration of name to the Register
Suspension based on a formal request to be suspended from the register or due to non-payment of annual fees:
  • Voluntary Erasure is in terms of Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974) Section 19 (1)(c)
  • Suspension due to non-payment of annual fee is in terms Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974 Section 19 (1)(d)

. Restoration after Removal or Suspension of name from the register for a period of three years 

If a practitioner’s name was removed from the register or his or her registration suspended for a period of three years or less – irrespective of whether he or she practised or not - the restoration application will be dealt with administratively subject to submission of the following:
  • Completion  of required restoration Form 18
  • Payment of the applicable fees and any other outstanding fees

The Board reserves the right to institute disciplinary action against practitioners who had practised their profession in South Africa without being registered.

B. Restoration after Removal or Suspension of name from the register for a period of more than three years – (Practising) 

If a practitioner’s name was removed from the register or his or her registration suspended for a period of more than three years and he or she was practising the profession (within or outside South Africa) his or her name will be restored without further requirements subject to receipt of the following:

  • Completion  of required restoration forms: Form 18 and Form 18 A OCP                      
  • Payment of the applicable fees and any other outstanding fees
  • A summary  of activities during the period of erasure
  • Information regarding employment isued by the relevant employers. Evidence regarding experience and  appointments held must specify the exact nature and extent of work performed  and the periods during which the appointments were held
  • A  summary of CPD activities completed during the period of erasure as per  the Continuing Professional Development policy of Council 
  • Original  documentary evidence of undergraduate and or postgraduate studies since erasure of name from the register (if applicable).
  • If the applicant was registered outside South Africa  since erasure of his/her name from the register, an original Certificate of Status(Certificate of Good Standing), issued by the foreign registration authority  within the preceding three months.

C. Restoration after Removal or Suspension of name from the register for a period of more than three years – (Non-practising)

If a practitioner’s name was removed from the register or his or her registration suspended for a period of more than three years and he or she was not practising the following procedure would apply:

  • Completion of the required application forms: Form 18 and Form 18 A OCP    
  • Payment of restoration fees
  • The practitioner would be restored in the category  supervised practice for a period of at least six months (Equivalent to at least  1000 hours)
  • Apply to the Board as per the guidelines in Form 18 B OCP for approval of the supervising practitioner by completing and submitting Form 18 C OCP
  • Once the Education subcommittee had granted approval  of the supervising practitioner the period of supervised practice could  commence
  • Submission of a report by the supervisor upon  completion of period of supervised practice – Form 18 D OCP
  • Supervisory Report
  • If the standard of the report is not accepted by the  Board a portfolio should be compiled as per Form 18 E OCP
  • Portfolio Guidelines
  • Submission of the portfolio by the supervising  practitioner as per Form 18 F OCP portfolio Submission Form.

Upon receipt of a positive supervisory report or portfolio by the supervisor to the satisfaction of the Education Subcommittee, his or her name will be restored to the category of registration that applied prior to the erasure of his or her name from the register. 

D. Restoration of Names of Assistants and Technicians:

Separate guidelines apply in the case of the restoration of names of assistants and technicians in view of the fact that they are only entitled to practise under supervision.

E. Erroneous registration, fraud, disciplinary action or impairment

Procedures in these guidelines do not include information relating to erasure due to erroneous registration, registration through fraud, disciplinary action or impairment. 

Portfolio Marking Guide


Optometry & Dispensing Opticians

Dispensing Optician
Supplementary Optical Dispenser
Supplementary Optometrist
  • Restoration Form ( Form 18)
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
  • A health professional may be restored in the category Supervised Practice for a period of at least six months
  • Submission of a report by the supervisor to the Chairperson of the Education Committee as to the competency of the health professional or whether a further period of supervised practice is recommended
  • Upon submission of a successful report from the supervisor, the health professional may be restored to the category Independent Practice is he/she was registered in that category prior to the erasure
  • Accrue the necessary CEUs as per the CPD Guidelines
  • The health professional be included in a CPD Audit after the period of supervised practice to ensure that this requirement is adhered to
Practitioners who were off the register and had been out of clinical work for longer than 5 years need to pass the Board exam before they may be restored to the register.
Practitioners who were off the register and had been practicing outside the country in the past five (5) years or less need to provide the following in order to be restored to the register without doing board examination:
 a. Restoration Form ( Form 18)
 b. Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
 c. Accrue the necessary CEUs as per the CPD Guidelines
 d. A comprehensive CV
 e. A recent original Certificate of Status (Certificate of Good Standing), indicating that the applicant is in good standing, issued by the foreign registration authority where the applicant is currently registered which has been issued within the preceding three months.
 f. A letter from previous employer confirming employment. In a case where a practitioner had their own practice, an affidavit/ certified letter on a letterhead with confirmation from 1 witness is required.
 g. To provide evidence that they have been practicing during their time off the HPCSA register.
Practitioners who were off the register and had been practicing outside the country in the past five (5) years or more need to provide similar requirements (a) –(g) in order to be restored to the register and
  • Will be subjected to do a Board examination before they can be restored, whether they comply with CPD requirements or not.
NB!!!  Examinations are conducted each year in March and September.


Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Biokinetics

Restoration of name to the Register
Suspension based on a formal request to be suspended from the register or due to non-payment of annual fees:
  • Voluntary Erasure is in terms of Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974) Section 19 (1)(c)
  • Suspension due to non-payment of annual fee is in terms Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974 Section 19 (1)(d)
A. If a practitioner’s name was erased from the register for a maximum period of two years; such application will be dealt with administratively subject to submission of the following:
  • Completion of required restoration form Form 18
  • Payment of the applicable fees and any other outstanding fees

B. If a practitioner was practising his/her profession during the period of erasure, his or her name will be restored without further requirements subject to receipt of the following:

  • Completion of required restoration form (Form 18 PPB)
  • Payment of the applicable fees and any other outstanding fees
  • A summary of activities, employment and non-employment within and outside the profession during the period of erasure (Template attached hereto).
  • Original documentary evidence of work experience issued by the relevant employers. Evidence regarding experience and appointments held must specify the exact nature and extent of work performed and the periods during which the appointments were held
  • A summary of CPD activities completed during the period of erasure as per the Continuing Professional Development policy of Council (Template attached hereto).
  • Original documentary evidence regarding undergraduate and / or postgraduate studies since erasure from the register in South Africa (if applicable).
  • If the applicant was registered outside South Africa since erasure of his/her name from the register, a recent original Certificate of Status (Certificate of Good Standing), indicating that the applicant is in good standing, issued by the foreign registration authority within the preceding three months.

C. If a practitioner’s name was erased from the register for a period of more than two years and he/she was not practising his profession, the following would apply: 

  • Completion of the required application form (Form 18 PPB)
  • Payment of restoration fees and any other outstanding fees.
  • The practitioner would be restored in the category supervised practice for a period of at least six months
  • Guidelines relating to supervised practice – See item 4 of the Guidelines for the restoration of names of practitioners – (Form 18 PPB Guidelines)
  • Portfolio following completion of period of supervised practice(Form 18 PPB Portfolio)

D. The supervision period entails the following: 

  • A registered practitioner in the relevant profession will be required to supervise the applicant during this period and report to the Board regarding his or her competence upon completion of the period of supervised practice by submitting a portfolio in respect of his or her activities during the period of supervised practice. The report should include an indication whether a further period of supervision is required. In the case of a negative report the Executive Committee of the Board will deal with the matter.
  • The supervisor has to be registered with the Council and practising in South Africa for a minimum period of at least two years. The applicant is not required to apply to the Board for approval of the supervisor.
  • During the period of supervised practice the applicant is not entitled to practice without supervision. This would, however, enable the practitioner to legally practise the profession and improve his or her clinical skills in preparation for the assessment to be undertaken by the supervisor.
  • “Supervised practice” further implies that the applicant is not allowed to practice independently or privately in his or her own practice.
  • Upon receipt of a positive report (Form 18 PPB Portfolio) by the supervisor to the satisfaction of the Board his or her name will be restored to the category of registration that applied prior to the erasure of his or her name from the register.

E. Restoration of names of Assistants / Technicians: 

  • Restoration Form 18.
  • Restoration Fees and outstanding annual fees (if any).

    Restore without further requirements (supervised practice).

F. Restoration: Registers

  • BK-Biokineticist
  • CH-Podiatrist
  • MA-Masseur (No new intake accepted)
  • PT-Physiotherapist
  • RM-Remedial Gymnast (No new intake accepted)
  • SCH-Supplementary Podiatrist (No new intake accepted)
  • SPT-Supplementary Physiotherapist (No new intake accepted)



Registered Counsellor


  • Restoration Form 18
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
  • Restoration Form 18
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
  • Submit written request to sit for the Board examaination.
  • Restored upon successful completion of the Board Examination


Radiography & Clinical Technology

Electro-Encephalographic Technician
Clinical Technologist
Graduate Clinical Technologist
Radiation Technologist
Restricted Supplementary Diagnostic Radiographer
Supplementary Diagnostic Radiographer
Supplementary Electro-Encephalographic Technician
Supplementary Clinical Technologist
Supplementary Radiation Technologist
  • Restoration Policy click here
  • Restoration Form 18
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
  • A period of supervised practise to be decided upon by the board
  • Submission of report by supervisor regarding competency of health professional or whether a further period of supervision is needed;
  • Upon submission of successful supervisory report, health professional may request to work Independently again;
  • Health professional has to accrue necessary CEUs as per CPD Guidelines; and
  • Health professional should be included in CPD audit after supervision to ensure requirement is adhered to.


Speech Language and Hearing Professions

Practitioners who were erased from the registers for 2 years or more and have practised their profession - restore upon receipt of the following:
  • Duly completed application for restoration Form 18 and applicable Restorarion Fees 
  • Proof of practising their profession - CV or letter from the previous employer confirming employment with dates specified
  • COS ( Recent certificate of good status issued by the Regulatory authority in the country where he/she had been practising) not older than 3 months
  • Proof of CPD attended to during preceding 24 months 
Applicants, who had not been practising their professiong and had not been engaged in CPD for more than 3 years, have to pass the board exam before they may be restored to the register:
  • Restoration Form 18
  • A detailed letter motivating the reasons for restoration
  • An updated CV
  • Restoration Fees and any other fees outstanding
  • Documentary evidence of all related activities engaged in since the date of erasure