Launch of Wave 2 |
Dear Practitioners,
Please be advised that, as part of Phase 2 of the self-service enhancement project, the HPCSA online portal and other services will be temporarily unavailable from Thursday 06 February at 00:00 to Monday10 February 2025. Normal hours will resume on Tuesday, 11 February 2025.
This scheduled downtime is necessary to allow our IT technicians to improve the online platform, ensuring a more efficient and user-friendly experience. Due to the enhancement, the Call Centre and Registrations Division will not be operational. We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding. |
Invitation to serve on the professional conduct committees
CV template 2023 ad-hoc appeals committee
Disclosure declaration document ad hoc PCC
Information document to serve on the ad hoc appeal committees
CPD Compliance |
Dear Healthcare Practitioners,
The HPCSA is currently in the process of creating awareness to the practitioners regarding the importance of CPD compliance.
Please listen to the attached important audio message regarding Continuing Professional Development (CPD):
LinkedIn: click here
Facebook:click here
Regulations Relating to the Evaluation and Accreditation of Training in Educational and Training Institutions |
The Minister of Health intends, under section 61 of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974) and after consultation with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, to make the regulations in the Schedule.
Interested persons are invited to submit any substantiated comments or representations on the proposed regulations to the Director-General of Health, Private Bag X828, Pretoria, 0001 (for attention of the Director: Public Entities Governance; and, within three month of the date of publication of this Notice >>>read more
Nomination of Members of the Professional Board for Psychology |
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of the Regulations relating to the nominations and appointments of members of a professional board as published under Government Notice R1257 in Government Gazette 31633 of 28 November 2008 (“the nomination and appointment regulations”), calling upon all persons registered with the HPCSA to submit nominations of members of the professional board for psychology to be appointed by the Honourable Minister of Health, Dr Joseph Phaahla to serve on the professional board for psychology for the term ending on 31 October 2025.>>> read more
Date | Description |
28 January | OCP Online Webinar |
03 February | Public Awareness (GCIS) |
06 February | Public Awareness (GCIS) |
20 February | DNB Stakeholder Meeting |
25 February | Online Symposium |
07 March | MTB Board Roadshow (physical) |
07 or 14 March |
DNB Board Roadshow (physical) |
18 March |
OCP Board Roadshow (Physical) |
25 March |
OCP Board Roadshow (Physical) |
14 or 29 March |
DOH Board Roadshow (Physical) |
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Opening Address: Minister of Health
Monday, 19 August 2019
Keynote: Director-General Health
MOL: Prof Singh
Prof Lize Havemann-Nel
Prof Shisana Baloyi
Prof Tahir Pillay
Prof Katijah Khoza-Shangase
Mrs Hanlie Pitout
Dr Brenda Kubheka
Prof Theophilus Lazarus
Dr Rene Krause
Dr Tiana Schultz
Ms Manya Van Ryneveld
Dr M Mutshekwane
Mr Maurice Goodman
Ms Karessa Govender
Dr Jacobus Kotze
Dr Sadna Balton
Dr Azeezat Jimoh
Ms Nicole Arends
Dr Carmen Whyte | |
Dr Tshegofatso Maimela
Prof Binu Luke
Mr Tshikani Khoza
Mrs Hanle Kirkcaldy
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Mrs Jayshree Ramjee
Ms Boledi Karabo Maleka
Dr Jan Steenkamp
Mr M Mberi
Mr Luca Jacobs
Prof AJ Mbokazi
Dr Brenda Kubheka
Ms Annelie Retief
Prof Kapil Satyapal
Prof Saths Cooper
Dr Sunildutt Aniruth
Day 3: Main Sessions
Keynote: Prof Khama Rogo
Guidelines for Palliative Care
Guidelines for Social Media
Health Market Inquiry
Closing Ceremony: Dr Letlape
HPCSA Conference Statement of Commitment
2020 IAMRA Conference/Cancellation |
Dear Members and Partners,
After careful consideration of the evolving concerns around the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAMRA Management Committee and the Conference host, the Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA) have made the very difficult decision not to proceed this year with the 14th IAMRA Conference, scheduled to be held in Johannesburg, 15-18 September 2020.
This decision was not made lightly. Since January, IAMRA has been monitoring international developments and on 23 March, the South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa declared a National State of Disaster in South Africa. In line with the precautionary measures he announced, our top priority must be the health, safety and well-being of delegates, staff, exhibitors, sponsors, other stakeholders, and of course the people of South Africa. We strongly believe that this is the right decision in these unprecedented times.
IAMRA sincerely thanks HPCSA staff for all their hard work to date in preparing for the Conference and looks forward to bringing you more information about future IAMRA events; in particular, new arrangements for the 14th IAMRA Conference.
If you have already registered for the conference, HPCSA will contact you about refunding your registration fee. We kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we work through this process.
Also, as a friendly reminder, if you have already booked accommodation, please contact the hotel directly to cancel your reservation.
IAMRA is aware that many, if not all, of our members and partners are active participants in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, it is important that we support and learn from each other, so IAMRA has established a COVID-19 thread on its Membership Forum where you can share updates, become aware of innovations used by other medical regulatory authorities, and ask questions. Please visit and contribute to the thread: . If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from the homepage by clicking on the Forgot Password link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact IAMRA at
IAMRA and HPCSA wish you, your family, friends and colleagues good health.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. TKS Letlape
President HPCSA
More pictures coming soon.....
03 February 2025 – (partly-heard matter)
Dr TH Modibowa-Mogale – (MDB)
Virtual Platform
Pro Forma: Mr T Baloyi
Charge: -Attempting to alter medical records in retrospect. -Endangering patient life by not taking proper patient medical examination history and; -poor clinical judgment resulting in a patient losing a finger.
03 February 2025 – (partly-heard matter) Dr AN Mdladla – (MDB) Virtual Platform 10am Pro Forma: Mr Z Gajana Charge: - Exposing patients to danger and harm by spreading misinformation related to the death of a member of the public. -For spreading unbalanced and inaccurate views related to public health matters on a public platform. |
04-06 February 2025 – (partly-heard matter) Ms PR Matsheletja & Mr AM Madihlaba – (EMB) Virtual Platform 10am Pro Forma: Mr V Maoka Charge: -Withholding emergency treatment to the patient. -Exposing the patient to danger or harm by failing to examine and transport to patient to the hospital as he left the patient by the side of the road resulting in the demise of the patient. |
05 & 06 February 2025 – (partly-heard matter) Dr S K Singh – (MDB) Virtual Platform 10am Pro Forma: Mr Z Gajana Charge: Improper Prescription - The reason for prescribing medication for her children when they have their own treating physicians. |
07 February 2025 Dr J Pretorius Virtual Platform 10am Pro Forma: Mr Z Gajana Charge: Sick leave certification |
07 February 2025 – (partly-heard matter) Dr W Basson – (MDB) HPCSA Metrodenpark Building Madiba Street Arcadia, Pretoria 10am Pro Forma: Malatji & Co Attorneys Charge: Coordinated the production of drugs and tear-gases on major scale and more. |