
Core Operations

The Health Professions Council of South Africa is a statutory body, established in terms of the Health Professions Act and is committed to protecting the public and guiding the professions.

General Guidance

Proposed regulations and rules
Title Option
Proposed regulations relating to the registration of students as registered counsellors –
GN R756 / GG 33498 / 20100830
View document
Proposed amendments to regulations relating to the performance of community service by persons registering in terms of the Act - GN R982 / GG 33691 / 20101029 View document
Proposed amendments to the regulations relating to performance of community service by persons registering in terms of the Health Professions Act 1974 – GN R88 / GG 34008 / 20110207 View document
Proposed amendments to ethical rules of conduct for practitioners registered under Health Professions Act 1974 – BN 138 / GG 35587 / 2012 View document


Title Option
Regulations relating to the returns and information to be furnished by registered persons – GN R1883/91 View document
Regulations relating to performance of community service by persons registering in terms of the health professions act 1974 – GN R688/98 View document
Regulations relating to the functions and functioning of professional boards –
GN R979/99
View document
Regulations relating to impairment of students and practitioners –
GN R495/2001
View document
Regulations relating to the conduct of inquiries into alleged unprofessional conduct under the health professions act 1974 – GN R102/2009 View document
Regulations relating to the suspension of practitioners –
GN R1356/2002
View document
Regulations relating to the nominations and appointments of members of a professional board –
GN R1257/2008
View document
Regulations relating to the registration of health practitioners restricted to non-clinical practice –
GN R223/2008
View document
Regulations relating to fees payable to council –
GN R279/2008
View document
Regulations relating to the registration of persons who hold qualifications not prescribed for registration –
GN R101/2009
View document
Regulations relating to fines which may be imposed by a committee of enquiry against practitioners found guilty of improper or disgraceful conduct under the health professions act 1974 – GN R632/2010 View document
Regulations relating to indemnity cover for registered health practitioners - GN R755 / GG33498 / 20100830 View document


Title Option
Rules relating to the registration of students in the supplementary health service professions –
BN 130/94
View document
Rules relating to the conduct of the business and the procedure at meetings of the council –
BN 120/2003
View document
Rules relating to the payment of annual fees –
BN 1/2014
View document
Rules relating to continuing education and training for registered health practitioners –
BN 29 / GG 29716 / 20070323
View document
Rules relating to the payment of fees for accreditation of education and training offered by education and training institutions under the health professions act 1974 –
BN 43/2009
View document
Rules relating to fees payable to council -
BN 2/2014
View document