
About Us

The Health Professions Council of South Africa is a statutory body, established in terms of the Health Professions Act and is committed to protecting the public and guiding the professions.

Policy & Guidelines

The guidelines for the Board include the Ethical Rules of Conduct in respect of which we may take disciplinary steps.

Ethical rules View document
Criteria for the recognition of Specialist Training Time View document
Requirements for the registration of Specialists in South Africa View document
Guidelines on the minimum conditions of service and training of Registrars and Sub-specialist Trainees in South Africa View document
Trainer - Trainee ratios for specialist training View document
Individuals doing health research but who do not work within the scope of Medical Scientists or other Health Professions do not need to register with the HPCSA. View document
Guidelines for Registration of Foreign Qualified Dental Practitioners and Dental Specialists (Form 176 - DP) View Document
Guidelines for Registration of Foreign Qualified Medical Practitioners and Medical Specialists (Form 176 - MP) View document