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Whistle Blowing

Report Fraud and Corruption behavior at HPCSA
The HPCSA has a zero-tolerance policy towards fraud and other acts of dishonesty. Our commitment to combating all forms of fraud remains steadfast and to this end we remain proactive in the fight against fraud, corruption and other white-collar crime. Council is committed to an exemplary standard of business ethics and transparency.

If you suspect fraudulent acts, corruption or irregularities by any of our employees or suppliers, report it to our Fraud and Corruption Hotline. 

Your Reports will be followed up and investigated accordingly. Anyone who discovers or suspects fraudulent acts or irregularities must report such immediately.
You may disclose your name or remain anonymous by using the following reporting channels:
FreeCall 0801 122 565
FreeFax 0800 00 77 88
Email hpcsa@tip-offs.com
FreePost KZN 138, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320