
About Us

The Health Professions Council of South Africa is a statutory body, established in terms of the Health Professions Act and is committed to protecting the public and guiding the professions.


The amendment of the Health Professions Act in 2007, marked the launch of a new era in the history of medical and health regulations – stepping stones to a brighter future in health care for all.

The Heath Professions Council of South is now consist of 32 members made up as follows:

  • Sixteen persons, registered in terms of the Act, and designated by various professional boards of the HPCSA;
  • nine community representatives not registered in terms of this Act, appointed by the Minister of health;
  • one person versed in law, appointed by the Minister of health
  • one person in the employment of the Department of Health, appointed by the Minister of health;
  • one person in the employment of the Department of Education, appointed by the Minister of Education;
  • one person from the South African Military Health Service, appointed by the Minister of Defence;
  • three persons appointed by the South African University Vice-Chancellors’ Association; and Section 3 of the Health Professions Act was amended by the Health Professions Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 29 of 2007 by introducing functions of Council and Professional Boards in addition to the objects of Council.

Section 4 of the Health Professions Act was amended by the Health Professions Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 29 of 2007 by introducing a requirement for the exercise of the powers of Council to be in line with the National Health Policy as determined by the Minister.